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Four Corners Climate Summit: Building community to grow climate adaptation in the Western Slope

Four Corners Climate Summit: Building community to grow climate adaptation in the Western Slope

400多人参加了首届峰会, aimed at fostering awareness and unity around regional climate interests and building resilience to climate change.

杜兰戈州,科罗拉多州.— Sitting in a circle outside the President’s Office at Fort Lewis College, renowned environmental writer Terry Tempest-Williams and a handful of students discussed writing, 艺术, 激进主义, 以及三者的交集.

“我可以告诉你,我变了,” Tempest-Williams would later tell more than 400 people during her keynote speech at the inaugural Four Corners Climate Summit.

在为期一天的峰会之前,他们进行了亲密的会晤, which included presentations by the authors of the 第五次全国气候评估, 艺术家, 以及当地环境和可持续发展倡导者.

“The fact that traditional knowledge is being integrated and used with Western science [at FLC], the fact that there’s now greater representation of Native people in all aspects of leadership... 这比希望要深刻得多,”她说. “If we focus on the changes and the possibilities we see, then I believe we are on the right path.”


A student wth Keri Brandt Off's Animacy and Kinship class discusses an 艺术 project during a breakd at the Four Corners Climate Summit at FLC.Attendees gathered at the Student Union Ballroom for the main event, 挤满了专家小组, 本地机构的介绍, 以及表达气候变化影响的艺术.

In the morning, presentations were led by scientists and authors of the 第五次全国气候评估, discussing the impacts of climate change on human health, wildfires, agriculture, and drought.

艺术在首脑会议上也发挥了重要作用, with the Art x Climate Gallery showcasing the impact of climate change through 艺术istic expression.

In addition, outside the Ballroom, attendees were greeted by a large 艺术 piece depicting a river. The project came from Keri Brandt Off's Animacy and Kinship class. Off是FLC的社会学教授.

“We collectively decided that we wanted to create an 艺术istic display of the animacy of all elements of life, 包括河流, 山, 动物, 土壤, 和水, and that we wanted to do it in the spirit of kinship and solidarity.”

学生们找到了材料并带来了自己的缝纫机, 胶水, 还有剪刀来做这个项目.

“两个星期, we sat on the floor and tried to create this project that represented how we felt about the animacy of water, 水的生命, 以及水对所有生物的价值. It was p艺术ly inspired by the Rights of Rivers gathering in October in the fall. 所以,这是为了纪念“河流权利”. It was just this exciting collective project where we decided to decenter traditional academic practice to think about new ideas and ways of relating together to create knowledge and beauty.”


Following a lunch provided with support from 美国农业部西南气候中心, Tempest-Williams talked about her meeting with the six FLC students and how impressed she had been with them and 分享社区恢复力的故事, citing examples such as efforts to address the declining levels of the Great Salt Lake.

“今天, the story of colonialism is being transformed into a story of restoration and integration, 危机在哪里正在成为改变的共识,”她说。. “我们的集体努力可以改变天气系统... 政治天气, 属灵的天气, and become pragmatic visionaries like I saw today with the students here at Fort Lewis.”

The FLC students who had met with her in the morning were delighted.

“This experience with Terry… it was absolutely incredible,” said senior Brooke Laughter, a 部落水媒体研究员 她谈到了如何通过她的电影他们叫我水,” she wanted to highlight the Indigenous perspective of considering water as a living being. 她周六以B的成绩毕业.S. 环境科学.


“It really invigorated me and my understanding that there are many forms of 激进主义 and that every little piece helps. 这很令人兴奋. 它改变了我对我的行动主义形式,我的艺术的看法.”

“It was really magical,” added Tanner Besse, who graduated Cum Laude on Saturday with a B.A. 环境保育及管理, 辅修社会学和人类服务, 和再生食品证书. “她把我想的很多事情都用语言表达了出来. Her courageous conversation resonated with me; if we trust ourselves with the future, 这是一个强大的工具. Seeing someone so wise as Terry taking time with a bunch of 20-year-olds and showing how hopeful she is in us just fuels that p艺术 of me that wants to cause change and create change that helps more people.’


The final portion of the public event was held at the Center of Southwest Studies’ exhibit “Coloradans and our Shared Environment in Times of Challenge and Change,展览艺术家霍莉·巴纳德(Holly Barnard)的演讲, 博士(科罗拉多大学博尔德分校), and Jocelyn Catterson (Colorado Art Science Environment fellow).

Sarah Johnson, of Basalt, Colorado, works in climate change education in the Rocky Mountain region. She said the event was an excellent opportunity to hear about the latest scientific work on climate change and teach us more about the work being done in the Four Corners region.


“The State of Colorado is bigger than the I-25 corridor or the Front Range. There are so many examples of excellent relationships with the land and so many examples of people making a difference,”她说。. "The different presenters affirmed the importance of storytelling. If this were a science issue, it would have been solved years ago, but it is a people issue. 以一种实际、实用的方式听到这一点,我非常肯定.”


Provost Mario M艺术inez said the call for action is also evident for the community and FLC.

“今天的目的是建立意识, 帮助你看到我们所做的事情, 还有我们可以通过伙伴关系共同完成的事情,他说, “我们今天听到了强有力的声音. 数据、图片和图形的声音. 出席者的提问. 来自泰尔的诗歌和写作之声yi. 歌曲的声音,经验的声音. Voices of our professors, staff, community members, and students. 这是很深奥的工作,也是我们关心的事情.”

峰会是FLC教务处的合作项目, FLC基金会, 美国农业部西南气候中心, 能源部遗产管理处, 还有很多捐赠者.


